Sunday, October 24, 2010

Passion fruits jelly 百香果燕菜

Last week Mom bought me a lot of passion fruits, about 20 of them and i knew we couldn't eat all before it turned rotten. So I decided to make passion fruits Jelly (a.k.a agar-agar in Malaysia).

  1. 8-10 fresh passion fruits
  2. 1 packet of jelly powder (25g)
  3. 2.5 liters of water
  4. 0.5kg of White Granulated Sugar

Method :
  1. Cut the fruit in half and dig out the pulp and seed with a teaspoon.
  2. Pour the jellp powder into 2.5 liters of water, cook and stir until boil.
  3. Add in 0.5kg of sugar and keep stirring for another 5 minutes or until dissolve.
  4. Add the pulp and seed into the jelly mixture, imediatelly turn off heat and stir well.
  5. Pour the jelly mixture into mould or tray. For better taste, store in refrigerator for about 2 hours before serving.

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